A NSW Government website


Clinical Trials Community of Practice Meeting



Dr Alex Stephens, Director of Research, Northern NSW Local Health District

Presentation: A brief overview of the NNSWLHD Research Office approach to accreditation and walk through the evidence bank.

Jeanette Upton, Quality Manager, Calvary Mater Newcastle

Presentation: A brief overview of the Calvary Mater Newcastle organisational approach to accreditation and their strategy to maintain their evidence bank.

Dr Katherine Bolton and Yin Wang, Research Manager and Research Governance Officer, Central Coast Local Health District

Presentation: CCLHD Research Office learnings from the NCTGF Gap Analysis and preparation for the National Clinical Trials Governance Framework accreditation

Recording link: https://uonewcastle.zoom.us/rec/share/ln7W6bqbdabPOrqMTkoFDiQ99KCKmQxcl6AIn17AZJFaXdByNRBnYlJminJKjc4G.YlQq9xZ7IXAkK8Qv

Passcode: YzC98&Dw

Resources: National Clinical Trials Governance Framework | Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care


Topic: The Rural, Regional and Remote clinical trial enabling program: An update on the Northern Cluster R3 (Rural Regional and Remote) Clinical Trial Support Unit

Guest Speaker: Joan Torony, Manager, Norther Cluster Clinical Trial Support Unit

Topic: ClinicaltrialsNSW Projects update

Guest Speakers: Kristy Morris, HNE research Governance Manager, HNELHD and Katherine Bolton, Research Manager, CCLHD

Recording link: https://uonewcastle.zoom.us/rec/share/wtbI8W3XiXlIzhN_pruFE4cm9Zy_RvcyC6DAZhI3TTtMXDWkLGd6eDlN8zJDKzjE.3QgqCaYdP4sNQnqt

Passcode: uGJ8+cMt

Further information:


Topic: Overview of the revised National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2023 and Non-research checklist for ethical risks

Guest Speaker: Sarah Moberley, Manager, Research Ethics, HNELHD

Topic: ClinicaltrialsNSW Projects update

Guest Speaker: Catherine Johnson, NSWRHP clinical Trials Network Officer

Topic: Q&A for the NSW CTMS, eREG and CCText.

Guest speaker: Anna Edgar, Project Officer, NSW Health Statewide CTMS Project from the Office for Health and Medical Research

Recording link: https://uonewcastle.zoom.us/rec/share/rxVRGVzMEzp2Ws4yH7Qtkg9MXQHemZk_G8PokHeHug1mxCkR6Ge7nb1gGzs6cSs6.uQV9mdzm5mP2dYqu?startTime=1713244930000

Passcode: 85fCWL=H

Further information:


Topic: Building Success in your Clinical Trial Unit: Mastering Clinical Trial Feasibilities

Guest Speakers:

  • Naomi Knoblauch, Head of Clinical Trial Operations, HMRI
  • Kathy Hall, Haematology Clinical Trials Manager, Calvary Mater Newcastle
  • Michelle Russell, Senior Clinical Trials Coordinator, Acute Stroke research, John Hunter Hospital

Recording link:


Passcode: Awt&a!7Q


Topic: Working with NSW Health Pathology

Guest Speaker: Dr Shaun Roman, Associate Director, Research, NSW Health Pathology

Recording link:


Passcode: 1j.Wh.i5

Further information:

  1. Questions with notice
  2. NSW health Pathology research strategy and governance can be found at Research | NSW Health Pathology
  3. Definition for tissue use for secondary purpose https://pathology.health.nsw.gov.au/services/pathology/anatomical-pathology/anatomical-pathology-tissue-release-policy/
  4. Statewide application – consider using this option if you will have patients with tissue at locations outside of your local pathology service.
    1. When submitting an access request via eResearchWithUs (https://pathology.health.nsw.gov.au/research/research-services/accessrequest/) select “statewide research services” on the first page of questions:” choose the NSWHP area you are requesting services from”


We will be joined by Nicolette Hodyl, HMRI Chief of Research Translation and Healthcare Improvement and immediate past director of NSW Regional Health Partners, Nicki will discuss Doing Research Together, a resource that helps researchers, consumers, carers, and health workers co-design and co-deliver medical research.

We will also hear conference reports from participants who attended the ARCS, SCRS and A-CTEC conferences and an update from the most recent clinicaltrialsNSW community of practice meeting.



Topic: Clinical Trials Update

Guest speakers: Dr Sonya Murray, Professor Nikola Bowden and Dr Kathryn Reilly

Meeting Recording: NSW RHP Clinical Trials Community of Practice - Zoom

Passcode: Febru@ry23


Topic: Australian Clinical Trials Education Centre

Guest speaker: Dr Eman Naefa, Director, Australian Clinical Trials Education Centre (A-CTEC)

Meeting Recording: Clinical Trials Community of Practice - Zoom

Passcode: March!!23


Topic: Navigating Research Ethics in HNE Health: An overview and tips for a smooth approval process

Guest speakers: Sarah Moberley, Manager, HNELHD Research Ethics; Katherine Bolton, Research Manager, CCLHD; Kristy Morris, Manager Research Governance, HNELHD and Melissa Gavenlock, Research Governance Officer, Calvary Mater Newcastle.

Recording link

Passcode: 1%*8RP4%



Topic: TGA GCP Inspection Program: A HNE Experience

Guest speaker: Rosemary Carroll, Clinical Nurse Consultant- Surgery Research, Surgical Services John Hunter Hospital

Recording link

Passcode: @June!23



Topic: An overview of the best of the best from the ARCS and SCRS conferences

Guest speakers:

  • Caitlin Queripel and Yin Wang (CCLHD)
  • Sarah Lukeman (Consumer)
  • Gillian Mason and Nicole Lapachelle (HMRI)
  • Louis Ndagijimana (UoN)
  • Joan Torony, Rachel Wilks and Julianne Rose (Northern NSW R3 Cluster)

Recording link

Passcode: CJuoLPy@23



Topic: Creating concise and readable patient information sheets for interventional studies in Australia

Guest speakers:  Tanya Symons, Director, T Symons Associates PTY LTD and Professor Josh Davis, School of Medicine and Public Health University of Newcastle,Staff Specialist, Infectious Diseases and General Medicine, John Hunter Hospital, Head, Infection Research Program, HMRI, Principal Research Fellow, Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin, Honorary Associate Professor, Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, University of Melbourne.

Recording link

Passcode: %i%5d254


  • Publications:
    • Symons, Tanya & Straiton, Nicola & Gagnon, Rosie & Littleford, Roberta & Campbell, Anita & Bowen, Asha & Stewart, Adam & Tong, Steven & Davis, Joshua. (2022). Consumer perspectives on simplified, layered consent for a low risk, but complex pragmatic trial. Trials. 23. 10.1186/s13063-022-07023-z.
    • Symons, Tanya & Davis, Joshua. (2022). Creating concise and readable patient information sheets for interventional studies in Australia: are we there yet?. Trials. 23. 10.1186/s13063-022-06712-z.
  • Australian Clinical Trials Education Centre


Topic: NSW Clinical Trials Management System

Guest speakers:  

  • Anna Edgar, Project Officer, NSW Health Statewide CTMS Project, Office for Health and Medical Research. (CTMS Update, Mandatory Use and Audit)
  • Amy Kelty, Research Coordinator, Cardiology, Critical Care, Gosford Hospital (Hints and Tips for enhancing your CTMS experience), and
  • Kathryn Reilly, Research Development Manager, HNE Research Office
  • Melissa Gavenlock, Research Governance Officer, Calvary Mater Newcastle
  • Katherine Bolton, Research Manager, CCLHD

Recording link

Passcode: g@E&JU66


Topic: Role of a Clinical Academic Pharmacist in Supporting Clinical Trials

Guest Speaker: Prof. Beata Bajorek, Clinical Academic Pharmacist for UoN, HMRI and HNELHD

Topic: HMRI Imaging Centre and How Clinical Trials Teams can Engage with this Service

Guest Speakers: Saadallah Ramadan, HMRI Imaging Centre Manager and Shiami Luchow, Senior MRI Radiographer, HMRI Imaging Centre

Recording link

Passcode: L+yqor7y


Topic: Aboriginal Health Research Community Panel

Guest Speaker: Yeena Thompson, Aboriginal Health Research Partner, University of Newcastle

Recording link

Passcode: cg4iDk#f




Topic: Grant Writing

Access the meeting recording here,

Passcode: Janu@ry22


Topic: Involving and engaging consumers in research and clinical trials

Access the meeting recording here,

Passcode: Febru@ry22!



Topic: General Clinical Trials Update

Access the meeting recording here

Passcode: M@rch22!



Topic: Navigating Clinical Trial Research Agreements 

Access the meeting recording here

Passcode: April@22!



Topic: New Clinical Trials Resources and Spotlight on John Hunter Hospital Intensive Care Unit Clinical Trials Unit

Access the meeting recording here

Passcode: 2022M@y!


Topic: NSW Regional Health Partners Clinical Trials Community of Practice- ARCS Conference Highlights held 23 June 2022

Access the meeting recording here



Topic: Data sharing and linkage in clinical trials and research

Meeting Recording: https://uonewcastle.zoom.us/rec/share/XfxI92nd0K0usQDuzjbC2Tz22tm6LxC0C9-pyFx_TGCG3XgrSFv7fOq8kq-B2zub.YcecQDFdpzgaSDft

Passcode: CoP_July@22



Topic: Teletrials: The Victorian Experience and Key Operational Considerations for Sites and Staff.

Meeting recording: https://uonewcastle.zoom.us/rec/share/X6jpJqJDmiAqK2bpRtlsRkPuRrYcvKxhna2kd8mPqAEutV7qYYsQ0-y_xzaqJ-QA.ZMk55onbYViR1KOU

Access Passcode: @ugust22



Topic: InFORMed Project: Redesigning Consent to Research

Meeting Recording: https://uonewcastle.zoom.us/rec/share/RNz28rTSRM0D8yIZPwqEs40F_VT17Q-xpQAO8QmC0ES4XGUfJpvosKBDIlWMfoHR.SxwJ7nrMP164AKm7

Guest speaker: Sonia Harvey, Project Manager, CT:IQ and the CT:IQ InFORMed Project Team

Passcode: 22_Dec_Consent$

Topic: ‘Injury in Clinical Trials: Can we do this better?’

Meeting Recording: https://uonewcastle.zoom.us/rec/share/lpH2pw2xFc1iqnqvZWQmNvcQycxeAfQtJHjeFM3klwN8KbX9ecuIu3_OdmjHkvuq.L1D1TeuJj43stiFP

Speakers: Sophie Mepham, Executive Manager Research Global, Icon Group and Dianne Sheehan, clinical trial participant.

Passcode: 22_Dec_Injury@



Topic: Clinical Trials Quality Management: Standard Operating Procedures

Access the meeting recording here.

Passcode: vx@#?!8!

Here are the presentations by Dr Ashika Kumar and Rosemary Carroll FYI.
OHMR presentation_NSW RHP CT CoP_22Apr21.pdf



Topic: National Clinical Trials Governance Framework

Access the meeting recording here.

Passcode: 1Framework$

Resources: You can access further information about the National Clinical Trials Governance Framework here


Topic: Audits, Monitoring and Site update- Port Macquarie Mid North Coast Cancer Institute

Access the meeting recording here,

Passcode: Audits1$

Resources: You can access information about the clinicaltrialsNSW Standard operating procedure ‘Hosting an audit or regulatory inspection’ here


Topic: Highlights from the 2021 ARCS Conference

Please note: There is no recording for this session.

Resources: 2021 ARCS presentations - ARCS Australia


Topic: Difficult Conversations : Skills for Clinical Trials Staff

Access the meeting recording here,

Passcode: 21@ugust



Topic: What Pharmacy can do to support clinical trials and research teams.

Access the meeting recording here,

Passcode: 21@eptember


Topic: Managing Clinical Trials Workloads and Workforce Models

Access the meeting recording here,

Passcode: 21@ctober


Topic:  Difficult Conversations: Skills for clinical trials staff

Access the meeting recording here,

Passcode: 21N@vember