A NSW Government website



At Hunter New England Health we aim to provide you with the best health care possible. We welcome your feedback so we can better understand what is working well and how we can improve our services. You may wish to tell us why you are happy with your care, share your concerns, compliment a staff member or make a suggestion. If you provide your contact details, we will acknowledge your feedback, and we aim to resolve complaints within 35 days. If your concern is complex, it may take longer. If this is the case, we will contact you to let you know.

There are a number of ways you can tell us about your experience:

If you are not satisfied with Hunter New England Health's response to your concerns, you can contact the following independent organisations:

Health Care Complaints Commission
Locked Mail Bag 18
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
Toll free: 1800 043 159
Email: hccc@hccc.nsw.gov.au
NSW OmbudsmanToll free: 1800 451 524
Email: nswombo@ombo.nsw.gov.au
Information & Privacy Commission
Ph: 1800 472 679
Email: ipcinfo@ipc.nsw.gov.au

More information on how to provide your feedback is available in the factsheets below:

If you require an interpreter service, you can ask a staff member or call 4924 6285.

Deaf, hearing impaired or speech impaired

If you have hearing or speech impairments, you can contact Hunter New England Health through the National Relay Service (NRS). Simply call 133 677 and provide the number you want to call (e.g. our feedback line: 1800 605 172). For more information, visit: www.relayservice.gov.au

Kyran's story

The story of Kyran Day provides a powerful example of why the REACH program is a priority for our health service. Kyran's story has reinforced our commitment to working with patients, family members and carers to provide quality healthcare in a safe environment.