A NSW Government website


Multicultural and Refugee Health Service

Follow this link for information in language for patients.

The Multicultural and Refugee Health Service supports clinicians to provide equitable and accessible public health care to culturally and linguistically diverse patients and Deaf People.

The Service has three distinct programs

  • Health Care Interpreter Service provides interpreters by telephone, video and on site for health professional within Hunter New England Local Health Districts, and other districts and providers by agreement.

  • Multicultural Health Liaison Programs which works across clinical units to provide support for CALD clients, service planning, education and advice  for staff

  • The Refugee Health Service provides on arrival health screening and health care for refugees on arrival in the local health district

Contact - HNELHD-MulticulturalHealth@health.nsw.gov.au or 4924 6285

Service Manager - Ashley Young, ashley.young@health.nsw.gov.au

Interpreter Service Manager - Trish Owen, patricia.owen@health.nsw.gov.au

Health Care Interpreter Service

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

There is no cost to patients. The service is booked by staff, and to be used in all essential communication.

Interpreters ensure;

  • Accurate information is transmitted
  • Informed consent is obtained
  • information is being kept confidential
  • Client privacy is protected.

The  Service provides and prioritises interpreters to public health facilities across northern and western NSW. Other service and private providers can request interpreters through our Service by completing this online form -  Private Providers - Interpreter Request | HNE Health (nsw.gov.au)

As of 1 July 2024, the cost for Private Providers to access Interpreters during Business Hours is below:

Phone Interpreter Service$50.00 for 1st half hour session (plus GST)$25.00 per additional 15mins thereafter (plus GST)
Video Conference Interpreting Service$90.00 for 1st hour session (plus GST)$45.00 per additional 30mins thereafter (plus GST)
Onsite Interpreter Service$300 for 2.5hr session (plus GST)$60 per additional 30mins thereafter (plus GST)
Travelling Allowance$90.00 per hourFor distances more than 50km in each direction

Please contact the service on HNELHD-MulticulturalHealth@health.nsw.gov.au with any questions, or for translation requests

Multicultural Health Liaison Service

  • Liaise between Hunter New England Health staff and patients from CALD backgrounds and provide cultural consultations.
  • Provide health information to CALD patients. It includes multilingual information.
  • Design and deliver community education programs on various health topics.
  • Make referrals to external community organisations, CALD support services as well as community members.
  • Provide the Mothers Obstetrics and Maternity Program

Refugee Health Service

Free and confidential Refugee Health Clinic and community-based consultations for people who have recently arrived from overseas for humanitarian reasons.

The services provided include:

  • Nurse-led assessment and screening
  • Medical consultations
  • Health education and information
  • Immunisations
  • Referrals to other specialist services where required
  • Dental referrals

LanguageMatters Newsletters

June 2024 -  Use of Children as Interpreters, Coercive Control, Hepatitis B resources, Barriers Affecting Breastfeeding Practices of Refugee Mothers

May 2024 - Document Translations, Refugee Week, Disappearing Tongues, Friday, Virtual Care

April 2024 - Understanding spiritual and religious abuse, Medical Student Reflections, Mercator-Effect, Olasunbo Olalere, Henna

March 2024 - Ramadan, Refugee Health Flexible Fund, Solomon Island Languages, Linguistic Podcasts

February 2024 - Lunar New Year, Rachael Ferris, Mother Tongue Day, Witness to War, Welcoming Languages

January 2024 - PCP Working with Interpreters, 2024, Education Centre Against Violence, Wiradjuri taught in NSW schools

December 2023 - Languages of India, Mind the Gap, I-Kiribati, BabyMap, History of December

November 2023 - Arabic Expressions of Love, Diwali, Andi Pramono, Indigenous History Grounds New Australians, Simplified Chinese

October 2023 -  National Deaf Week Awareness,  Diabetes Australia CALD Programs,  Artificial Intelligence for Interpreting and Translating, New database offers insight into consequences of language loss, International Coffee Day

September 2023 -  Multicultural Health Week,  Sami Heritage,  Respecting Diversity - Addressing Islamic Faith in Healthcare Settings,  Cancer Institute NSW - NSW Multicultural Profile tools and resources, Healthy Women and HIV

August 2023 - Deaf Engagement Project,  Ten Things You Should Know About Sign Languages,  NSW Health Education Centre Against Violence, Multicultural Community Drug Action Team, IPTAAS, Cancer Multilingual Resources

July 2023 - Translated NSW Health Care System Booklets, National Multicultural Health and Wellbeing Conference, SBS Cultural Atlas, Words of the Month – Hundred and Thousand, Timbuktu and the Manuscripts of Mali.

June 2023 - World Refugee Day, Multicultural Primary Care Cancer Forum, Yaani, HIV Testing Week, Shakespear's insults

May 2023 - HETI Training, Deaf Patient Engagement, Ezidi New Year, What's in a Name - Chin of Myanmar, Arabic Words of Love

April 2023 - Sri Lankan names, Promaja, Medical Student Reflections, Your Practice Bag

March 2023 - Lunar New Year, Ramadan and date fruit, Culturally safe health care for refugees, Oral Health videointerpreting

December 2022 - Ta'arof, Refugee Health Plan, Elizabeth Grist Christmas Story, HIV Awareness, JEV, Baklava

November 2022 - CALD Carers, Oubaitori, Medical Student Reflections, Vaping Toolkit, Warda Ali

October 2022 - Celebrity Interpreters and Language Awareness,  Bilingual Clinician story, The Sanskrit Story, End of Life training

September 2022 - Multicultural Health Week, Shingi Chando, BreastScreen, Pakistani Truck Art

August 2022 - Coercive Control Resources, Chinese Names, English language oddities, Armidale Care Navigation, Medical Student Reflection

July 2022 -  Census 2021, Medical Student Reflections, HNE Med Supplies to Ukraine, What's in a Name, CALD Communities & Health Research

June 2022 -  Deaf Awareness, Cancer Screening, Welcome HCIS Manager Trish Owen, Multicultural Service Expo 2022

March 2022 - The Premiers Awards, Ezidi voices, CALD Assist, D&A issues of Refugee Youth, retiring HCIS Manager Therese Morris

December 2021 -  Christmas update from Elizabeth Grist, BreastScreen, Forensic Medicine, Booking Office update

November 2021 - COVID19 update, Medical Student Reflections, HNE Oral Health, CALD Assist, Jiting Pan

July 2021 - NAIDOC Week Special Edition, Mother Tongue, Indigenous Sign Language, Uluru Statement from the Heart

June 2021 - Refugee Week, Multicultural COVID19 Research, Tibetan Patient Experience, Titus Alias, Farewell to Bing and Bessie

May 2021 - Clinical Supervision, Persian, Afghan Patient Experience

April 2021 - Ramadan, Interpreter Research, Thai Patient Experience, Diversity in Clinical Trials

March 2021 - Chinese, CALD Assist, Cantonese Patient Experience, Vince Wang

February 2021 - Refugee Health, Swahili, Joy Harrison, Happy Year of the Ox

December 2020 - CALD Assist, Linguistics Arabic and English, Alison Tonga

November 2020 - COVID19 Research, ED Interpreter Use, Nafi Ghafournia

October 2020 - Patient Care Board Interpreter Label, Italian, Oncology, Draga Majurovski

September 2020 - Multicultural Health Week, Auslan, Deaf Patient Experience, Maggie (Jinmei) Sun