A NSW Government website



Community Stroke Team

Who is the Community Stroke Team?

We provide group programs, education and information to stroke survivors and their families/support person living in the Newcastle, Lake Macquarie or Port Stephens areas. Most programs are free of charge. The Community Stroke Team (CST) include: physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists and administrative staff.

The team is located on the campus of John Hunter Hospital. Group programs are offered at John Hunter Hospital, the Royal Newcastle Centre, Rankin Park Hospital and various community based locations.

Who is eligible to attend?

Adults aged 18 years or over who have had a stroke, TIA or mini stroke living at home in the geographic areas of Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and Port Stephens local government areas. Referrals from outside these areas may be considered however patients must be from within Hunter New England Local Health District catchment area and will need to travel to where the group programs are being held.

Any family member, support person or friend is welcome to attend our programs with the stroke survivor.


To make a referral you can phone the Referral Information Centre (RIC) for community based services on 4924 2590 or  download a copy of the referral form.

Anyone can refer a client to the team (eg: health professional, family member, friend) and self-referrals are also accepted. Please contact the service on email: HNELHD-CommunityStroke@health.nsw.gov.au or phone: 4985 5245 for more information.

Contact the Community Stroke Team

Community Stroke Team
Locked Bag 1, Hunter Regional Mail Centre 2310
PH: 02 4985 5245
FAX: 02 4921 4833
Email: HNELHD-CommunityStroke@health.nsw.gov.au

For follow-up with a Doctor at the Stroke or TIA clinic please contact the Stroke/TIA Clinic via JHH Switchboard (02) 4921 3000.

Useful Links

National Stroke Foundation: https://strokefoundation.org.au/

“Enable me” National Stroke Foundation: https://enableme.org.au/

Stroke Recovery NSW: http://www.strokensw.org.au/

Hunter Medical Research Institute: https://hmri.org.au/

Hunter Medical Research Institute Stroke Volunteer Register: https://hmri.org.au/stroke-register

Community Stroke Team Brochure