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Hunter New England Health Excellence Awards

The Hunter New England Health Excellence Awards are a way of formally recognising outstanding staff members and teams, acknowledging the work they do for others day in and day out. Feeding directly into the NSW Health Awards, our yearly awards celebrate the pinnacle of clinical excellence, quality, innovation/improvement, and outstanding achievement across the District.

The awards continue to focus on meeting the strategic outcomes of Future Health, aiming to deliver on our vision of a sustainable health system that generates patient and community-centred outcomes, is personalised, invests in wellness, and is digitally enabled.

In 2024, we received well over 60 nominations from colleagues and teams right across our District, reiterating the immense amount of talent and innovative thinking we have in our workforce.

Achievement Awards (Individual Awards)

Staff Member of the Year Award
Volunteer of the Year Award

High Value Health Care Awards (Team Awards)

Environmental Sustainability Award
Excellence in Aboriginal Healthcare Award
Excellence in the Provision of Mental Health Services Award
Excellence in Multicultural Healthcare Award
Health Innovation Award
Health Research Award
Keeping People Healthy Award
Patient Safety First Award
People and Culture Award
Transforming Patient Experience Award

2025 Key Dates

Entries OpenTBA
Entries CloseTBA
Finalists AnnouncedTBA
Winners AnnouncedTBA

How to prepare an Excellence Awards submission


Examples of HNE Winning Submissions:

2023 HNE Health Excellence Awards Winners

2022 HNE Health Excellence Awards Winners


If you have any questions regarding the Staff Member of the Year Award or the High Value Health Care Awards, please contact the HNE Research Office, via HNELHD-ResearchOffice@health.nsw.gov.au or on  4921 4140.

If you have any questions regarding the Volunteer of the Year Awards, please contact Alice Hoffman, Human Resources Consultant, via alice.hoffman@health.nsw.gov.au or on 4985 3391.

For any other enquiries regarding the Awards program, please contact the Strategic Relations and Communications team, via HNELHD-Communication@health.nsw.gov.au or on 4985 5522.