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Hunter Surgical Clinical Research Unit

The Hunter Surgical Clinical Research Unit aims to promote excellence in clinical research in the area of surgery, and foster the knowledge and understanding and practice of research in future surgeons.

From 2022 we are now part of the HMRI Surgery and Perioperative Care Research Group.

If you would like to submit and idea or concept to the Surgery and Perioperative Care Research Group you can click on the email link to send an email. You can still contact the Hunter Surgical Clinical Research Unit at JHH on the contact details below.

Contact the group for further information:  surgical_perioperative_care@hmri.org.au

About Us:

HNELHD Research Vision

The health and wellbeing of Hunter New England Local Health District patients and community is enhanced through the conduct of health and medical research and the translation of research evidence into high quality and effective health service delivery.

Our aims are to:

  • Enhance and strengthen the capacity of surgeons and departments to undertake research, particularly clinical and laboratory research and support the research activities of not only medical officers but other professional groups including nursing and allied health.
  • Incorporate research practice into the education and training of undergraduate and graduate surgical education across disciplines.
  • Develop and implement opportunities for the enhancement of research skills through professional development and educational opportunities with partner organisations including the University of Newcastle and the Hunter Medical Research Institute.
  • Promote PhD scholarship, fellowship, traineeship and research capability development opportunities.
  • Promote and facilitate recruitment of PhDs and research fellows undertaking HNE relevant research.
  • Build a supportive research environment in surgery inclusive of professional groups.

Contact Us:

Phone:  (02) 4923 6397

Conjoint Professor Stephen Smith is the Director of the Hunter Surgical Clinical Research Unit at John Hunter Hospital and Co-Director of the Surgical and Perioperative Care Research Program at HMRI. He is a Colorectal Surgeon and is the Director of Network Surgical Training in the HNE Surgical Training Network.Stephen.Smith@health.nsw.gov.au
Conjoint Professor Jon Gani has recently retired from John Hunter Hospital as a Hepatobiliary and General Surgeon and Medical Director of Surgical Services, and remains an Honorary Medical Officer in HNE. He supervises and mentors junior researchers and surgical trainees.jongani@mac.com
Conjoint Associate Professor Christine O'Neill is a General Surgeon with specialisation in endocrine surgery.  A/Prof O'Neill is the Head of Department for General Surgery at John Hunter Hospital and Co-Deputy Director of Surgical and Perioperative Care Research Program at HMRI. Her research interests lay in the area of quality of life outcomes in thyroid cancer and disease.christine.oneill@newcastle.edu.au

Research Coordinators include 4 registered nurses with extensive research experience in healthcare including critical care, childhood cancer, cardiovascular, trauma and surgery, with tertiary qualifications in nursing, clinical trials research and clinical epidemiology. All team members have current certification in GCP for research (Transcelerate endorsed)

Rosemary Carroll RN - Natalie Lott RN -  Sarah Dalton RN -  Michelle Chapman RN
