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Health Professionals Research Education Program (HPREP)

If you have any queries regarding the HPREP Sessions, please email HNELHD-ResearchOffice@health.nsw.gov.au

All recordings are provided by HNE Health Libraries, we would like to acknowledge and thank them for all their continued support. To access, please register on the HNE Health Libraries site.

2024 Sessions / Recordings

Session 1: Making it Real: Consumer and Community Engagement in Research

Tuesday 5 March

Presenter: Professor Nicholas Goodwin, Director of Research, Central Coast LHD

Guest Speakers: Doctor Heidi Lavis, University of Newcastle Department of Rural Health with Amy Thompson and Rickey Luland, Consumer Research Project Team Members via the Reimagining F.A.S.T - Stroke Early warning signs research project. Doctor Zoi Triandafilidis, Central Coast Research Institute with Georgie Quick, Research Project Participant using a recent project Dementia and Palliative Care. Doctor Dawn Simpson, School of Health Sciences with Gillian Mason, Community and Consumer Involvement Lead, HMRI. Brigitte Sigl, Chair, Consumer Advisory Committee, NSW Regional Health Partners.

Recording: Click here to access the recording

Session 2: Research Support Services across our Partners: What do I need and where can I access it?

Tuesday 4 June

Join us for a conversation chaired by Professor Nicholas Goodwin, Director of Research, Central Coast LHD as we unpack what research services and supports are available to assist you in your research journey. Find out where to go and the best contacts to access all these services regardless of what part of the Research Cycle you are focused on right now.

Recording: Click here to access the recording
Additional Resources:  Research support services across the HNE region partner organisations

Session 3: Writing for a Health Journal - Publication how to...

Tuesday 3 September

Join us for a conversation chaired by Professor Nicholas Goodwin, Director of Research, Central Coast LHD as we unpack how to develop a strategy for your publications – finding the right journals for maximum impact. Hear directly from current Journal Editors on the peer review process and understand the value of Open Access publication.

Leila Mohammadi, Senior Research Librarian, CCLHD will outline things to think about when developing your publication strategy.

Debbie Booth, Research and Scholarly Communication Advisor, University Library will examine Open Access publication, how to maximise the benefits and the pitfalls to look out for!

Professor Goodwin, will provide an insight behind the scenes as Editor in Chief, International Journal of Integrated Care– peer review process and what editors are really looking for.

Doctor Kylie Wales, Honorary Senior Lecturer, School of Health Sciences and Senior Lecturer (Occupational Therapy), School of Allied Health, ACU and Editorial Board Member, Australian Occupational Therapy Journal will further unpack what you can do to make your article publication ready.

To Register:

Session 4: Aboriginal Health Research: Collaborations and Partnerships

Thursday 7 November

2023 Sessions / Recordings

Session 1 : MRFF Grant Scheme: Strategies for Success

Wednesday 8 March 2023

Presenters: Professor John Wiggers

Guest Speakers: Professor Frances Kay-Lambkin, Director, Hunter Medical Research Institute; Professor Luke Wolfenden, Recipient MRFF Grant and NHMRC Investigator Fellow, School of Medicine and Public Health; Doctor Heidi Janssen, Recipient MRFF Grant and HMRI Stroke Researcher and Associate Professor Nicolette Hodyl, MRFF Review Panel Member and Director, Regional Health Partners.

Recording: Click here to access the recording

Session 2: Enhancing Clinical Trials: National, State and Local landscapes

Wednesday 7 June 2023

Presenters: Professor John Wiggers

Guest Speakers: Professor John Wiggers, Director, Research Office, HNELHD; Anna Edgar, Change Manager, Office for Health and Medical Research and Naomi Knoblauch, Program Manager, Clinical Trials Unit, Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI)

Recording: Click here to access the recording

Aboriginal Health Research Community Panel

Tuesday 25 July 2023

Presenters: Professor Kelvin Kong, 2023 National NAIDOC Person of the Year and School of Medicine and Public Health, CHMW, Yeena Thompson, Aboriginal Health Research Partner, Office of Indigenous Strategy and Leadership, Doctor Elissa Jane Elvidge, School of Medicine and Public Health, CHMW and Community Panel Members.

Recording: Click here to access the recording

Session 3: Research Integrity, Ethics and Governance

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Presenters: Professor Nicholas Goodwin, Director, Central Coast Research Institute

Guest Speakers: Professor Catharine Coleborne, Director, Research Ethics and Integrity, The University of Newcastle; Professor Chris Dayas, Assistant Dean Research, College of Health, Medicine and Wellbeing, The University of Newcastle; Sarah Moberley,  Manager Research Ethics, HNELHD and Doctor Jodie Marquez, Chair Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC), The University of Newcastle; Kristy Morris, Manager, Research Governance, HNELHD and Doctor Katherine Bolton, Research Manager, CCLHD.

Recording: Click here to access the recording

Session 4: PROMS & PREMS - A Research Methodology

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Presenters: Professor Nicholas Goodwin, Director, Central Coast Research Institute

Recording: Click here to access the recording

2022 Sessions / Recordings

Session 1 : GRANT Development and focus on the recently announced MRFF – EMCR Grant Opportunities

Thursday 10 March 2022

Presenters: Professor John Wiggers

Guest Speakers: Ms Janine Curtis, HMRI Grants Development Team; Associate Professor Nicolette Hodyl, HMRI Grants Development Manager;  Ms Belinda Peden, The University of Newcastle, Senior Grants Officer

Resources : MRFF ENCR PPT
Recording: Click here to access the recording

Session 2: Research Partnerships and Finding Alternative Funding opportunities

Thursday 9 June 2022

Presenters: Professor John Wiggers

Guest Speakers: Professor Zee Upton, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation, The University of Newcastle, Conjoint Professor Peter Wark, Senior Staff Specialist in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine at John Hunter Hospital and Ms Emily Cox, Relationship Manager (Trusts & Foundations), Office of Alumni and Philanthropy, The University of Newcastle.

Recording: Click here to access the recording

Session 3: Effective Research Translation: Evidence Based Care

Thursday 1 September 2022

Presenters: Professor Nicholas Goodwin, Director Central Coast Research Institute

Guest Speakers: Adjunct Professor Jennifer Fenwick, Clinical Midwifery Consultant Maternity Services Women, Children & Families, CCLHD, Adjunct Professor of Midwifery, Griffith University and Member of the Transforming Maternity Care Collaborative. Dr Carlos Garcia Esperon, Staff Specialist Neurology, John Hunter Hospital and Conjoint Lecturer, School of Medicine and Public Health, The University of Newcastle. Professor Vanessa McDonald, co-director of the NHMRC CRE in Severe Asthma, co- director and research leader Healthy Lungs and an academic clinician in the Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine and visiting US Fulbright Scholar Dr Donna-Marie Palakiko.

Recording: Click here to access the recording

Session 4: Using Evidence to improve the quality and value of Healthcare – the Learning Health System

Thursday 10 November 2022

Presenters: Professor Nicholas Goodwin, Director Central Coast Research Institute and Professor John Wiggers, Professorial Fellow, School of Medicine and Public Health and Director, Hunter New England Local Health District Research Office and Population Health.

Guest Speakers: Conjoint Professor Chris Levi, Director John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct and School of Medicine and Public Health, College of Health, Medicine and Wellbeing. Dr Brenda Reiss-Brennan, Principal, Mental Health Integration Implementation Science, Intermountain Healthcare, Salt Lake City, Utah and Adjunct Professor, College of Nursing, the University of Utah. Maya Smitran, Director Healthcare Improvement, Quality, Strategy and Improvement, CCLHD.

Recording: Click here to access the recording

2021 Sessions / Recordings

Session 1: Developing Grant Applications MRFF & TRGS

Thursday March 11 2021

Presenters: Professor Nicholas Goodwin, Director Central Coast Research Institute, Office of the PVC Health and Medicine. Professor John Wiggers, Director Research Office, Hunter New England Local Health District [HNELHD]

Slides: 20210311 - HPREP 1 - Developing Grant Applications MRFF and TRGS
Recording: Click here to access the recording

Session 2: Clinical Trials - National, State and Local Perspectives

Thursday 10 June 2021

Presenters: Doctor Rebecca Tunstall, Senior Director Stakeholder Engagement, MTP Connect, MedTech and Pharma Growth Centre; Yagiz Alp Aksoy, Scientist and Senior Policy Officer, Research Ethics and Governance Unit, Office for Health and Medical Research, NSW Ministry of Health and Catherine Johnson, Clinical Trials Network Officer, NSW Regional Health Partners

Recording: Click here to access the recording

Session 3: Value Based Approaches to Healthcare and Health Economics

Thursday 2 September 2021

Presenters: Professor Francesco Paolucci and Doctor Laura Wall, Newcastle Business School, College of Human and Social Futures

Guest Speakers: Professor Zsolt Balogh, Director of Trauma Surgery, John Hunter Hospital and Professor of Surgery, School of Medicine and Public Health, College of Health, Medicine and Wellbeing  and Doctor Nick Zdenkowski, Medical Oncologist, Hunter Valley Oncology and Conjoint Senior Lecturer, School of Medicine and Public Health, College of Health, Medicine and Wellbeing

Recording: Click here to access the recording

Session 4: Qualitative Research and Analysis (upskilling)

Thursday November 11 2021

Presenters: Professor Nicholas Goodwin, Director, Central Coast Research Institute, University of Newcastle and Central Coast Local Health District. Dr Katherine Bolton, Research Manager, Research Office, CCLHD will remind us briefly about survey tools.

Guest Speakers: Professor Rhonda Wilson, School of Nursing and Midwifery, College of Health, Medicine and Wellbeing. Dr Meredith Tavener, Trial Manager, Office - DVC (Research and Innovation), Research and Innovation Division and affiliated with Hunter Medical Research Institute – Public Health. Ms Rachel O’Neill, Healthcare Worker and Patient Welfare Team.

Presentation: HPREP 4 – Qualitative Research and Analysis

Resources:  HPREP 4 – Starter Qualitative Toolkit

Recording: Click here to access the recording

2020 Sessions / Recordings

Session 1: Economic Evaluation

Thursday 12 March

Postponed due to COVID-19

Session 2: Evaluating Complex Service Interventions - Integrated Care

Thursday 11 June

Presenter: Prof Nick Goodwin, Director, Central Coast Research Institute, University of Newcastle and Central Coast LHD.

Slides: 20200611 - HPREP 2 - Complex Service Innovation Integrated Care
Recording: Click here to access recording

Session 3: Economic Evaluation

Thursday 3 September

Presenter: Penny Reeves, Health Research Economist, Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI)

Slides: 20200903 - HPREP 3 - Economic Evaluation
Recording: Click here to access recording

Session 4: Consumer Engagement in Research

Thursday 12 November

Presenter: Professor Nick Goodwin, Director Central Coast Research Insititute, Director of Research CCLHD

Slides: 20201112 - HPREP 4 - Consumer and Community Engagement in Research
Recording: Click here to access recording

2019 Sessions / Recordings

Session 1: Consumer and Community Engagement

Thursday 14 March

This session was designed to build knowledge and capacity of health professionals conducting research to enhance and improve the involvement and engagement of consumers in research.

Slides: 20190314 - HPREP 1 - Consumer and Community Engagement.pdf

Recording: Click here to access recording

Session 2: Clinical Trials

Thursday 13 June

This session was designed to build knowledge and capacity of health professionals and health managers conducting clinical trials. It will assist with understanding the Australian clinical trials environment, up and coming developments, and how clinicians, managers and clinical trials staff can prepare for these changes.

Slides: 20190613 - HPREP 2 - Clinical Trials.pdf

Recording: Click here to access recording

Session 3: Implementation Trials

Thursday 29 August

This session provided an introduction to implementation trials with a presentation from Luke Wolfenden.

Slides: 20190829 - HPREP 3 - Implementation Trials Brief.pdf

Recording: Click here to access recording

Session 4: Aboriginal Health Research

Friday 15 November

This session provided guidance/information on Indigenous Health Research.

Slides:  20191115 - HPREP 4 - ATSIP Health Research

Recording: Click here to access recording

2018 Sessions / Recordings

Session 1: NSW Health Translational Research Grant Scheme

16 March 2018

Recording: Click here to access recording

Session 2: Implementation Science / Knowledge Translation

Session 3: Improving the Appropriateness and Benefit of Research with Aboriginal People

Session 4: Research Support Services