A NSW Government website


Project Specific - contingent worker

The Principal Investigator / Supervisor is responsible for completing and submitting all documents relating to the set-up of the external researcher contingent worker

Before this process can be initiated, the below must have occurred:

  1. Governance Authorisation via Site Specific Application
  2. External researcher named on the initial Site Specific Application or added as a site investigator via a site amendment in REGIS
Please follow the below steps for this process:
STEPPerson responsibleDocuments
1                              Principal Investigator
2Contingent worker applicant
  • NSW Health code of conduct
  • Privacy undertaking
  • Identification checklist – Supervisor to sign and verify ID documents as per instructions on the form
3Contingent worker applicant

In addition to the above forms, one of the following forms is also required dependent on the type of contractor:

  1. External providers who are paid by those providers.  HNELHD will accept the providers/contractors National Police Check (NPC) however they will need to complete the Personal Details Form
  2. Unpaid contractors (e.g. University students working as part of their PHD and require access to HNE systems). These contractors will be required to complete the National Police Check (NPC) Consent form
4Principal Investigator

    Submit application package as a ZIP file to HNELHD-CRC@health.nsw.gov.au including:

    1. all above documents - Click for ZIP file of all documents.
    2. HNELHD Site Specific or amendment authorisation naming external researcher.

    Email subject heading: Research related contingent worker appointment – SURNAME /STE Reference