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HNELHD Research Office Team

HNELHD's Health Research and Translation Centre (HRTC) and the Research, Ethics and Governance Office (REGO) merged together in March 2020 to form the HNE Research Office.

The team is based at the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) on the John Hunter Hospital (JHH) Campus.

Executive Director Research

Professor Chris LeviChristopher.Levi@health.nsw.gov.au
Ph: 02 4924 6247

Research Ethics

Accredited Lead Human Research Ethics Committee for the purpose of multicentre review in both clinical and general research.

Sarah Moberley
Manager, Research Ethics
Ph:02 4921 4140
Lisa Woseen
Research Support Coordinator, Research Ethics
Ph:02 4921 4140
Debbie Madden
Research Support Administration, Research Ethics
Ph:02 4985 5929

Research Governance

Ensuring all research governance requirements are met and research protocols are authorised prior to commencement.

Kristy Morris
Manager, Research Governance / CE Delegate for Research Authorisation
Ph:02 4921 4140
Kelly Bell
Research Support Coordinator, Research Governance
Ph:02 4985 5845

Research Development

Grant Opportunities, Education and Resources for your research project.

Dr Kathryn Reilly
Manager, Research Development

Ph:02 4964 7401
Laura Potts
Research Support Coordinator, Research Development
Ph:02 4921 4140


Mailing Address:HNELHD Research Office, John Hunter Hospital Mail Room, Lookout Rd, New Lambton Heights NSW 2305
Phone:(02) 4921 4140
Office location:Awabakal Country: Level 4 West, Hunter Medical Research Institute, Lot 1 Kookaburra Circuit, New Lambton