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About Us

Sustainable Healthcare

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land, their continuing connection to land and waters, and that stewardship and caring for Country are important guiding principles in HNE Health’s sustainability strategy.

Carbon and waste neutral by 2030

Hunter New England Local Health District will be carbon and waste neutral by 2030.

Under the ambitious new initiative, Sustainable Healthcare: Together Towards Zero, we are setting our sights on an environmentally sustainable future.

Significant investments will be made in solar power, water sustainability and energy efficient practices during the next decade to lighten and, eventually, eliminate the organisation’s carbon footprint.

We will be doing a huge amount of work in the coming years to achieve this green vision and take our place as an industry and community leader in sustainability.

Why are we going Carbon and Waste Neutral?

Health staff and services work incredibly hard to keep our community healthy.

At the same time, we know 25 per cent of all human disease and death in the world is attributed to unhealthy environments, like unclean air and water, and that health as an industry is a major contributor of carbon emissions.

The reality is, it’s no longer possible to be committed to the health of our community without addressing the health of our environment.

In response, we’re taking a giant step towards clean, green healthcare, investing in solar power, exploring sustainable water practices, reducing waste to landfill and much more.

Work starts today, so we can leave behind a truly healthy legacy, for our generation and many generations to come.