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Step 3: For HNE Supervisors

The HNE Supervisor is usually the HNE Principal Investigator (or their delegate) and must facilitate the submission of the HNE Contingent Worker appointment and additional documents, including liaising with their local HNE Dept/Service Finance Manager regarding appropriate HNE position numbers.

Please find below guidance to navigate you through this process.

HNE Supervisor Responsibilities

The HNE Supervisor is responsible for:

  • Supervisor responsibilities of the applicant (as like any other HNE employee)
  • Submit the contingent worker application as per the ‘Pre-submission Tasks’ and ‘Submission of Application’ below
  • Communicate the contingent worker approval to the applicant, and arrange the appropriate eMR access (i.e. HNE clinical systems) relevant to the project

Pre-submission Tasks

Once the information has been received from the applicant, the HNE Supervisor is to complete/facilitate the below:

The cover letter is to be co-signed by the HNE Service Manager. By completing this cover letter provides additional research related information that is required to progress the application and set up the appropriate position numbers within the HNE Cost Centres. Please note all requests must be submitted with an expiry date relevant to the role for the project or the application will not be accepted.

Submission of Application

Collate the Pre-submission Tasks’ documents with the documents as provided to you by the applicant in the one email, and email to HNELHD-CRC@health.nsw.gov.au using subject line: HNE Research Related Contingent Worker Application

See below email text template draft to assist your submission in ensuring you have attached all of the documents for the application to proceed.

Email Text Template

Post-approval tasks

The Contingent Worker appointment and any access will automatically cease on the expiry date provided within the application. If an extension to a research related contingent worker appointment is required, the PI can arrange via contacting: HNELHD-CRC@health.nsw.gov.au

Please reach out to the HNE Research Office if you have any queries.