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Site Authorisation

Site authorisation is required in addition to ethics approval for all research that takes place in Hunter New England Local Health District.

Site authorisation requests for HNELHD are reviewed by the HNE Research office.

The 2 options for seeking site authorisation in HNELHD are listed below:

Site specific assessment SSA (through REGIS) criteria:

  • Recruiting patients at site.
  • Protocol specific research procedures with or on participants.
  • Managing and analysing data, tissue, and responses from surveys and questionnaires collected for or from research.

Access Request (Via email submission) criteria:

  • Participant recruitment through posters, leaflets, handouts and letter of invitation but not recruitment through direct contact with potential participants or enrolment;
  • distribution of surveys and questionnaires through staff of the PHO, but not collation and analysis of responses at that PHO, and;
  • Access to data or tissue held at the PHO, but not processing or analysis at that PHO.

Research projects MUST NOT COMMENCE until it has received both Ethical and scientific review (HREC approval) and Site Authorisation (Via SSA or Access request)