A NSW Government website



I am worried about myself or someone else

Talk to someone now

Always remember, if there is an immediate risk of harm, call 000 or present to the nearest emergency department.

To talk to someone about eating disorders (these are not crisis services):

ServiceContact Details

Butterfly Helpline

1800 33 4673 (not available 24 hours)
Mental Health Line 1800 011 511

For 24/7 counselling and crisis support services:

ServiceContact Details


131 114
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
13YARN 13 92 76

Where can I access treatment?

It is never advised to ‘watch and wait’. Accessing eating disorder support and treatment early is important. Early intervention is key to improved health and quality of life outcomes. You or your loved one may feel unsure about seeking help. Taking the first step to getting treatment can be hard and feeling uncertain is common. With appropriate treatment and support, recovery from an eating disorder is possible.

Navigating their way to health and Navigating your way to health are comprehensive resources for people with an eating disorder or those supporting someone with an eating disorder.

The first step is talking with a health professional and finding out what is happening for you. Usually this will be a general practitioner (GP). They can review your overall medical and mental health, and refer you to specific services for treatment.

Treatment typically involves collaboration with the person with an eating disorder, their family/carer, a GP, a mental health clinician and a dietitian, and may involve other health professionals as well. Treatment often occurs in a community-based service (when you are not admitted to hospital), though sometimes people need admission to hospital. Services may be available in a private setting or a public health service.

Click on the links below for further information about community-based or in-hospital treatment options across Hunter New England Local Health District.

Community-Based Treatment (when you are not admitted to hospital)

Community Mental Health Services Hunter New England Local Health District (HNE LHD)

Adult, and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in Hunter New England have clinicians trained in evidenced-based treatment for eating disorders. This may include psychologists, dietitians, nurses and other allied health and medical staff.

You or a family member/carer can refer to your local Community Mental Health Service by contacting the Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511. Or alternatively, a referral can be made by your GP.

Further specialist programs may be indicated for individuals that require additional support and treatment and may be facilitated by the Community Mental Health Team.

Click on the links below for information regarding specific public Statewide Services:

Residential Eating Disorders Centre (located in HNE LHD)
Residential Eating Disorders Centre

Eating Disorders Day Program
Eating Disorders Day Program
Located in HNE LHD. Accepts referrals from Community Mental Health Services, GPs, and private eating disorder clinicians

Private Practitioners

Many local areas will have private practitioners trained in evidence-based treatment for eating disorders.

For more information, please search the below databases or ask your GP for local providers.

Butterfly Foundation

The InsideOut Institute

Other treatment options

For a comprehensive list of other treatment options available, please visit:

The InsideOut Institute
The InsideOut Institute list of treatment services

Inpatient Treatment (when you are admitted to hospital)

Inpatient Treatment

Hospital treatment may be required for someone who is acutely medically unwell or requires acute mental health care.

A GP or other health professional may recommend admission to hospital and will provide information regarding how this can occur.

If you feel you may require a hospital admission for medical or mental health concerns, please talk to your current treatment providers or GP straight away.

If this is an emergency, please present to your nearest Emergency Department or call 000.