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Step 1: For HNE Principal Investigator (PI) as named on the SSA

The HNE Principal Investigator (PI) must first nominate all external researchers that are coming on site or require eMR access (i.e. HNE clinical systems) within the ‘Study Team’ on your SSA application, or via REGIS Site Amendment.

AFTER site or amendment authorisation has been granted and prior to any access being provided to the external researcher, a specific research related HNE Contingent Worker (contractor) appointment MUST be arranged (and supervised) by the PI (or PI delegated supervisor within the local HNE Dept/Service of the PI).

The HNE PI (or their delegate) must be the HNE Supervisor for this role. Please refer to ‘For HNE Supervisors’ for guidance/resources, roles and responsibilities to assist The HNE Supervisor establish this role.