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Education and Meeting Program Summary

General Surgery Registrar/SRMO Network Education Program (JMOs welcome also)

Every Monday 7.00am

Virtual across all Network sites ie Armidale, Belmont, Maitland, Tamworth, Taree, Mater, Gosford, Port Macquarie, Wyong.

HNE Basic Surgical Skills Course

These are practical education sessions conducted in Surgical Skills Training Room in the Clinical Skills Training Centre usually on a fortnightly basis.

Topics include:

  • Basic Instrumentation, suturing and knot tying
  • Laparoscopic skills
  • Tendon repair
  • Bowel anastomosis
  • Vascular anastomosis and vessel handling
  • Complex wound closure and simple flaps

In addition there are extra Laparoscopic Education sessions conducted on a Saturday three times per year.

Orthopaedics Junior Baby Bone School:

One hour weekly.  In person at host site and on zoom.

Surgical Sciences Education Sessions

As required.  Looks to be replaced by HETI Course in 2021 in preparation for October Exam. One and a half to two hours fortnightly. Virtual across Network. Recordings available via secure website. Conducted as per demand.

Surgical Information /Orientation Evening:

Annual event providing an opportunity for informal discussions between interns, residents, surgical SRMOs/unaccredited trainees, SETS, fellows and consultant surgeons.  Presentation by RACS SET Supervisor covering topics including pre-SET and getting onto SET; SET (General Surgery); post-fellowship training; research; and work-life balance.

Surgical Recruitment Evening

Annual evening to discuss recruitment for annual medical recruitment for local and external applicants.

Interview Skills

Annual event with Network Director of Surgical Training, Surgeons and SET Trainees

HETI Golden Scalpel Games

The HETI Golden Scalpel Games is an annual State wide surgical competition in which the six surgical training networks compete.

This event is  coordinated by the Health Education and Training Institute (HETI).

The morning is dedicated to student surgical games.

The afternoon is dedicated to the Surgical Skills Networks Golden Scalpel Games

Journal Club - General Surgery

Four evenings per year. 25-35 doctors attend. Surgeons, SET Trainees, Unaccredited Registrars and SRMOs.  Held as a dinner meeting

Research Meetings

Weekly.  SETs, Registrars/SRMOs and interested JMOs attend.  Network Director for Surgical Training.

JMO Surgical Education

These sessions are conducted by surgical registrar and are aimed at enhancing JMO knowledge and comfort in dealing with General Surgical patients. They are run in 10 week blocks aligning with JMO rotations.  Current General Surgery JMO’s, interested JMO’s, medical students and future General Surgery rotation JMO’s are all welcome to attend.  This is also an avenue for any potential questions regarding surgical patient management to be discussed outside of the time constraints of every day practice

Two topics per week will be discussed, with each session going from 7pm-9pm

Proposed topics are:

Tertiary Survey

Fluid management

Surgical Ward Rounding

Review of abdominal pain

Pre-operative patient management

Post- operative patient management

JMO Approach to the Operating Theatre


Small Bowel Obstruction

Night shift

Common JMO procedures (IVC, IDC, NGT)

Biliary pathology

UGI post-operative pathways

Colorectal Surgery post-operative pathways


Discharge Process



