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About  HNE Population Health

Hunter New England Population Health is responsible for the delivery of Population Health services to the people of the Hunter and New England regions.

Our vision

Hunter New England Population Health delivers services that support the development and maintenance of healthy environments, healthy communities and healthy people. Our mission is to protect and promote the health and well-being of people in the Hunter, New England and wider communities.

Our services

Our services include responding to environmental, emergency and communicable disease threats, and promoting policies, services, environments and behaviours that are conducive to good health. Such services incorporate the principles and strategies of epidemiology, surveillance, health protection, health promotion, behaviour and practice change and research.

Our community

The people we serve number more than 840,000 and live in an area of about 132,845 square kilometres. Cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, infectious diseases and injury continue to form the major burden of disease in our community. Health behaviours such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, inadequate physical activity and poor nutrition, immunisation continue to be major contributors to this disease burden. Communicable disease and environmental health risks remain a challenge. Health inequalities impact negatively on the health of the population.