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About MS Clinic

The MS Clinic team combines the resources of the John Hunter Hospital and Hunter Medical Research Institute. The team is multidisciplinary (medical, nursing, administrative and researchers) with streamlined access to other care providers, both public and privately-based, to holistically support the person with neuroimmunological disease.

MS Clinic Team

MS Clinic Lead - Professor Jeannette Lechner-Scott

JLS portrait

Professor Lechner-Scott is a clinician scientist, senior staff specialist at the John Hunter Hospital, and conjoint Professor at the University of Newcastle. After graduating at the University of Heidelberg in Germany with a PhD in Neurophysiology about pain pathways, she pursued neurology specialist training in Germany and Switzerland. She completed the FRACP in Australia in 2003 and established the Hunter New England Neuroimmunology Clinic in 2005. Professor Lechner-Scott has led the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) research team at Hunter Medical Research Institute since 2005 leading to international recognition for their work in MS epigenetics, but also MRI predictors for fatigue and cognitive decline. She has extensive experience (over 25 years) in clinical trials, having been principal investigator in over 30 national and international trials and is currently the chair of the MS clinical network. She is also leading a multicentre national clinical trial investigating biomarkers for long-term outcome of immune reconstitution (CLOBAS) with successful recruitment and minimal drop out despite the COVID pandemic.

Professional Memberships

Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians

AHPRA MED0001184051

Medical and Nursing


Dr Myintzu Min completed her Medical Degree from the University of Adelaide and received Neurology training at Royal North Shore and Gosford Hospitals. She had undertaken a 2 year Neuro-immunology Fellowship at John Hunter Hospital. Dr Min is a Staff Specialist Neurologist at John Hunter Hospital with subspecialty in MS, MOGAD, NMO, and facilitates the intrathecal baclofen pump clinic for advanced MS patients. She also has an interest in chronic headaches, migraines and epilepsy. Dr Min works Tuesdays to Thursdays.

Professional Memberships

Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians

AHPRA  MED0001670909

Susan Agland portrait

Susan Agland supports the MS team as Neuroimmunology Transitional Nurse Practitioner. She has worked in the MS clinic since 2003, starting as clinical trial coordinator for the Ausimmune study. Since then, Susan has studied a Masters of Nursing Research, examining the role of stress management in MS. Susan has a special interest in stress management in MS, subfertility in MS and rural and remote care of the person with neuroimmunological disease. Susan works Mondays to Fridays.

Professional Memberships

MS Nurses Australasia

International Organization of MS Nurses

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia

AHPRA  NMW0001309569

Sophia Ward is the MS Clinical Nurse Specialist.  She has extensive experience in neurological and spinal/rehab nursing. Sophia works Mondays to Fridays. Her direct number is 02 49213513.

Professional Memberships

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia

AHPRA  NMW0001617350


Vicki Maltby

Dr. Vicki Maltby is the research fellow working at the Hunter Medical Research Institute. Her role is to manage the researcher lead clinical trials and studies. She is generally very busy but if you leave a message or send an email she will get back to you as soon as she can. She works Tuesday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. She can be contacted on 02 40 420286 or here.

Rod Lea is the lead bioinformatician of our Multiple Sclerosis Research Group with 20 years' experience in the field of statistical and computational genomics. He has a particular interest in developing and applying intelligent algorithms to analysing large and multidimensional "omics" data sets (eg genome, epigenome) to discover signatures that explains the systems biology of complex diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis.

Research Support

Bente Saugbjerg, Research Coordinator

Kira Groen, Research Coordinator

Thomas Woodcock, Research Coordinator


Summer Clatworthy is the MS Clinic administrative staff member. Summer works during school hours Mondays to Fridays. If she is already on the phone you can leave a message and she will return your call. Summer's direct number is 02 49213540 or email.

Jacob Cliff is our data manager responsible for entering, tracking and preparing patient data for clinical research.

Patient Advisory Group

HNE MS Advisory Group


The aim of the MS Advisory Group (MSAG) is to inform, influence and support the MS clinic. As well as guide the direction of current and future research projects. As such, the group will recommend policies, advocate support mechanisms and broadly address issues of equity, diversity and inclusion for John Hunter Hospital (JHH) MS Clinic.

This will be achieved by:

  1. Providing a communication channel for patients and medical staff to voice their issues, concerns and feedback on the day-to-day functions of the clinic.
  2. Voice ideas and opinions regarding current and future research direction. Including bit limited to funding opportunities, mentoring, infrastructure and educational needs.
  3. Serving as the key consultation and advocacy group for the JHH MS Clinic.
  4. Providing unified advocacy across the partnership - Hunter Medical Research Institute, University of Newcastle (UoN), and the Hunter New England Local Health District (HNELHD) on behalf of Early and Mid Career (EMCR) researchers. This will comprise of:
    1. Providing advice to HMRI and its strategic partners on issues specific to EMCRs
    2. Engaging with key stakeholders to promote leadership opportunities, training and research sustainability for the JHH MS Clinic.
    3. Advocating for visibility and awareness of the JHH MS driven research through the Institute Director, partners and community.
  5. Making recommendations to the Institute Director and the UoN College of Health Research Committee to support the planning and implementation of strategic initiatives that will be of benefit the JHH MS Clinic.

To learn more about the HNE MS Advisory Group go to www.hne-msag.com.au or email contact@hne-msag.com.au

Preparing for Your Visit

If this is your first visit please allow at least 2 hours for your review. You'll see the MS nurse as well as the specialist. The nurse will orient you to the visit and be able to answer any questions you may have. Support people are encouraged to attend, as are children. We sometimes run overtime, so your patience is appreciated.  If you have a copy of your referral and/or related test results bring them along too. Wear comfortable, loose clothing and comfortable shoes.

If your next visit is a follow up (also referred to as a subsequent) visit you will run through the pre-visit assessments with the nurse. These include your weight, blood pressure, pulse, walking speed and cognition assessments. They take about 10-15 minutes to complete so please arrive a little earlier than your appointment is scheduled to do them.

Nurse Pearls

Keep a note of changes to your MS since your last appointment. This can include changes to your medications, concerns or new symptoms you've had. This is helpful at the appointment to prioritise what you want to discuss with the MS team.

Do you have any paperwork (e.g. NDIS application, IPTAAS or referral) or results (e.g. MRI or blood pathology results)  to give us  you can email or fax them to us ahead of your appointment.

What to Expect

Initial appointments last for 1 - 1.5 hours. Please bring reading glasses if you wear them, comfortable shoes and clothing for the examination and any paperwork associated with the reason you are coming for the appointment. Subsequent (also known as follow up) appointments last around 30 minutes.

Despite our best intentions clinic often runs late. This is usually due to patients needing more time. We appreciate your patience and understanding to those attending the same session as you.

If you have forms that need completing by us, there might not be time to do this during the scheduled appointment. Feel free to forward them to us prior to the appointment or be aware that they may need to be completed after the appointment and returned to you via the post.

"I have left a message on the MS Clinic phone, why haven’t I received a call back yet?"          

As you can imagine, the clinic phone is very busy. Messages are checked on a regular basis and we will endeavour to return your call within 24 hours, in the context of a Monday to Friday service.  If you have an urgent query you can also call the Neurology Department on 02 49 213490 to talk to front desk staff.

Refer to MS Clinic

To make a referral for outpatient review in the MS Clinic Neurology Referrals - Community HealthPathways Hunter New England

The current approximate waiting time for an initial appointment is 3-4 months and for subsequent appointments, 8-9 months.

Contact Us

Via Telephone    02 49213540

Via Fax                 02 49213488

Via Email             hnelhd-msclinic@health.nsw.gov.au

Via Mail                Locked Bag 1, Hunter Regional Mail Centre 2310 NSW

The MS Clinic is located Mondays to Thursdays at Northblock John Hunter Hospital, Lookout Road, New Lambton Heights NSW 2305 and on Fridays at Belmont District Hospital at 16 Croudace Bay Rd, Belmont NSW 2280.