A NSW Government website



I am a health or education professional

General practitioners (GPs)

As a GP, you may be the first health professional that a person with an eating disorder (or family member) will come to. GPs have an ongoing role in treatment of an eating disorder.

Information for GPs on eating disorders, assessment and referral processes is available on:

Private practitioners

People with or at risk of an eating disorder will often be treated by private practitioners, including psychologists, psychiatrists, dietitians and other counsellors. Information, resources, and training opportunities to support private practitioners are available from:

For information about the ANZAED Eating Disorder Credential and treatment provider databases, see:


School staff are in an ideal position to assist in eating disorders prevention. They can also identify and respond when a student is experiencing an eating disorder. Useful information for school staff is available from:

HNE Health staff

Please see the Eating Disorders page on the HNE LHD intranet.