A NSW Government website


Scone - Hunter Valley Community Health Service

Health Service Manager

Sophie Scott


Stafford Street (at rear of hospital)
Scone NSW 2337

PO Box  287
Scone NSW 2337

Contact Details

  • Telephone: 6540 2170
  • Fax: 6542 2005

Operating Hours



Parking is available outside the Community Health building.



RadiographyX-ray only​Monday to Friday, 8.00am - 4.30pm.  Afterhours Emergencies
​Mobile CR X-Ray​Monday to Friday, 8.00am - 4.30pm.  Afterhours Emergencies

General Surgery

​Operating TheatreUpper GIendoscopy, gastroscopy, diagnosis of biopsy collection, oesophageal dilation1 day a week
​Colorectal​colonoscopy, polypectomys, PR bleeding, haemorrhoid bandings, diagnosis of biopsy collection, diverticular disease, sigmoidoscopy​1 day a week
​General ​hernia repairs, vasectomy, carpel tunnel, circumcision, Wedge resection toenails, Laparoscopic appendectomy. Caesarean sections​1 day fortnight
​Skin​skin lesions, abscess incision and drainage, sinus, Skin Flaps, Split Skin Grafts and Full Thickness Skin Grafts, Excision lipoma/subcutaneous cyst​1 day fortnight
​Obstetrics ​caesarean sections​As required
  • ​Dilatation and curette
  • Diagnostic hysterotomy
  • Laproscopy
  • Laproscopic sterilisation
  • Lletz biopsy
  • Pelvic floor repair
  • Vaginal hysterectomy
  • Abdominal
  • hysterectomy
  • Oopherectomy
  • Colposuspension
  • Bartholins cyst or abscess
  • Diathermy of genital warts
  • Endoscopic endometrial ablation
  • Excision of vulval lesions
  • TVT (sling procedure for stress incontinence)
  • Suction curette of uterus
  • Insertion of IUD
  • Laparoscopic dye studies
  • Excision of ovarian cysts.
​1 day second monthly


  • Excision of ganglion
  • Release of trigger finger
  • Plantar fasciectomy
  • Dupytrens contracture
  • Repair of rotator cuff
  • Repair of tendon
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Excision of exostosis of bones of foot
  • Removal of pins, screws or wires
  • Amputation of digits
  • Acromioplasty
  • Menisectomy (arthroscopic)
  • Manipulation or mobilising of joints
  • Fasciotomy
  • Internal fixation of fracture
  • Patellectomy
  • Repair of internal ligaments of knee
  • Primary repair of nail in nail bed
  • Removal of foreign from subcutaneous tissue
  • Incision and drainage of abscess
  • Closed reduction
  • Arthroscopic washout
  • Fusion of NTP joints – arthrodesis toe
1 day a fortnight


Paediatrics General medical paediatricLow risk paediatric admissions​​24/7


Maternity & Newborn Services as per Level 2 role delineation Maternity and Level 2 NurseryAntenatalAntenatal booking ins/ shared care model with GP Obstetrians24/7
​Antenatal classes​Preparation for labour, birth and parenting​Quarterly
​Labour and birthing​Birth from 37/40, instrumental birth, LSCS, Vaginal birth after LSCS​Shared on call Obstertic and LSCS services with Muswellbrook
​Post natal care​Post natal care after birth, Breastfeeding support, lactation consultant on staff and available if on shift
​Special care Nursery as per Level 2 Role delineation​Immediate care of newborn,
Short term care for simple newborn problems,
Resuscitation and stabilisation of newborn for transfer, Short term NGT feeding, Phototherapy

Visiting - Acute

OrthopeadicsElectiveConsultation-Referral and follow ups1 day a fortnight clinic by appointment
​Community Health​Women's Health ​1 day a month by appointment
​Podiatrist ​Footcare​foot care by referral​1 day a month by appintment

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy PaediatiricsDirect ReferralMon-Fri 8am - 4.30pm
​Adult Inpatients​Referral through EPJB
​Adult Community​Direct referral or though My Aged Care for Over 65 or Aboriginal  Torres Strait Islander over 50

Social Work

Social WorkHospital Social Work - SconeReferral through EPJBMon - Thur 8am - 4.30pm
​Community Social Work - Murrurundi (outreach from Scone)​Direct referral or through My Aged Care for over 65 or Aboriginal Torres Starit Islander over 50 ​Mon - Thur 8am - 4.30pm as required


PhysioIn-reach services to  inpatients/residentsReferral through EPJBTues 9am-3pm
​Falls prevention​Health practitioner referral required​1 group per year
​In-reach services to  inpatients/residents​Referral through EPJB​Wed 9am-1pm

Speech Pathology

Speech PathologyAssessment and intervention for children and adults with communication, swallowing or voice difficulties

Direct referral to department Phone: 65422085

Email: HNELHD-HunterValleyCHSpeechUH@health.nsw.gov.au

Regular weekly outreach clinics, days may vary
​Inpatient paediatric dysphagia​Referral through EPJB​Monday to Friday

Community Health

Aboriginal Health ServicesAboriginal Health Liason Officer

The AHLO is employed to ensure that any person who identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) is able to access culturally appropriate care.

Monday - Friday from 8.30am to 5.00pm. (outreach services provided to Murrurundi/Denman/Scone and Merriwa from Muswellbrook)
​Medical Outreach Indigenous Chronic Disease Program​The multidisciplinary program is aimed to assist Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander 15 years of age or older with: Diabetes, Heart Disease, Respiratory Disease, Renal Disease.​Monthly clinics; second-monthly with Diabetic Specialist
​Ongoing and Extended Care Services​Transitional Aged Care Program - Lower Hunter​12 week post hospital therapy program ​7 days, 8am - 4pm
​Transitional Aged Care Program - Singleton​12 week post hospital therapy program ​7 days, 8am - 4pm
​Transitional Aged Care Program - Muswellbrook​12 week post hospital therapy program ​Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm
​All client must have ACAT assessment before leaving hospital and be assessed by TACP before discharge - Referral 0434 361 425
​Cardiac and Respiratory Rehabilitation (Rural Rehab)​Exercise and education program​Monday/Thursday
​Community Nursing​Generalist Wound Care
  • ​Dressings/Education/ Care Management
  • ​Clinic  and Home visiting
​Monday to Friday
​​Catheter Care
  • Education/ Care Management
  • ​Clinic  and Home visiting
​​Monday to Friday
​IV Pumps
  • ​Education/ Care Management
    • ​Clinic  and Home visiting
​​Monday to Friday
​Specialist wound Care
  • Dressings/Education/ Care Management
  • Clinic Only
​Specialised Nursing Services Palliative Care ​Care management/ education/ advocacy/Carer/ Family support​Monday to Friday
​Dementia Advisory Services​Care management/ education/ advocacy/Carer/ Family support​Monday to Friday
​Women's Health​Screening / Education - Clinics

​Monday to Thursday

Phone for apppintments

​Child, Youth and Family Health Services​StEPS Vision Screening​Preschool Vison Screening​As arranged with each preschool
​School Based Immunisation Program​Adolescent Vaccine Program​As arranged with  each High School
​Audiometry ​Hearing screening for all ages​Monthly
​Child and family health clinics​Development screening and EducationMonday to Friday
​Universal health home visiting​Post natal Home visit with two weeks ​Monday to Friday
​Lactation clinic​lactation education and care management​Each Second Friday
​Parenting groups​Education/ Advocacy​As arranged
​Families NSW Perinatal Services​Antenatal and postnatal/ Education / Advocacy/ Case management/ support to 6 weeks postnatally​Monday and Friday
​Sustaining NSW Families (SNF) ​SNF is a structured nurse led program targeting mothers at risk of perinatal depression and /or anxiety. The family receives sustained health home visits starting antenatal until child 2 years. Allied Health support available to the nurse in a consultative framework. Referral through Safe Start. ​ ​
​Upper Hunter Home Modification and Maintenance Service​Home Modification and Maintenance​Can be arranged through Muswellbrook Community Health


DieteticsInpatientsReferral through EPJBMonthly + additional as required
​Outpatients - Generalist​Direct referral or though My Aged Care for Over 65 or Aboriginal  Torres Strait Islander over 50​Tuesdays, Weekly