A NSW Government website


HNE Research Grant Letter of Support / Endorsement

The HNELHD Research Grant Endorsement Template is an ISBAR brief to the relevant finance, service and general manager/executive, to obtain their approval for you to submit a research funding grant if:

  1. the funder requires HNE Manager or Executive approval/signatures to be included in the application. The ISBAR provides the managers/Executive with information regarding what the grant is about, its requirements, costs to HNE, risks etc. and provides the Executive (if required) an indication that the relevant operational managers support the application.
  2. the funder requires a letter of support from the managers and/or the HNE Executive. The ISBAR provides the managers/Executive with a draft letter of support provided by the applicant along with information regarding what the grant is about, its requirements, costs to HNE, risks etc. and provides the Executive (if required) an indication that the relevant operational managers support the application. .
  3. the applicant wishes to include a letter of support from managers and/or the HNE Executive as a tactic to strengthen the grant. ISBAR provides the managers/Executive with information regarding what the grant is about, its requirements, costs to HNE, risks etc. and provides the Executive (if required) an indication that the relevant operational managers support the application.

Submission Process:

Please allow a minimum 14 days to receive your endorsement once submitted.

  • Please communicate with the Service Manager so they are aware you will be sending this request and provide a feedback loop should they wish to discuss the project further.
  • Please complete the attached endorsement template and email to the Service Manager along with any relevant supporting attachments referenced within the template.
  • If your project requires a letter of support please ensure you include a draft version as a word attachment with your request

If you have any queries or concerns, please contact HNE Research Office