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External Awards

Quality Improvement/Research/Partnerships focussed Awards

If you are aware of any relevant awards to add to the below list please email details to HNELHD-ResearchOffice@health.nsw.gov.au

NSW Health Awards

The NSW Health Awards recognise innovative and sustainable health programs that deliver outcomes that matter to patients and invests in the wellness of the NSW community.

The HNE Research Office coordinates the submission of HNELHD applications to the NSW Health Awards. The winners of each HNE High Value Health Care Award may be submitted to the corresponding NSW Health Award.

Contact HNE Research Office for more information: HNELHD-ResearchOffice@health.nsw.gov.au

NSW Health Awards

Previous Winners / Finalists

The 25th Annual NSW Health Awards 2023

Renee Reynolds & Jody Stephenson (Keeping People Healthy – Winner) Project: National Safety Surveillance of Novel Vaccines.

Ramsey Awad, Elissa Klinkenberg, Phil Gralton, Amy Bernotas, Alana Stoeger & Sam Varnum (Environmental Sustainability – Winner) Project: Sustainable Healthcare Together Towards Zero 2030.

The 24th Annual NSW Health Awards 2022

Rosa Baleato, Cecilia Bjorksten, Rory Curtis, Leana Wong, Mater Mental Health Pharmacy (Excellence in the Provision of Mental Health Services – Winner) Project: Mental Health Virtual Clinical Pharmacy Project.

Nicole Nathan, Luke Wolfenden, Rachel Sutherland, Karen Gillham, Nicole McCarthy, Rebecca Jackson, Matthew Pettett, Alix Hall, Cassandra Lane and Adam Shoesmith, HNE Population Health (Keeping People Healthy – Winner) Project: Physically Active Children in Education (PACE)

Rachel Sutherland, Luke Wolfenden, Nicole Nathan, Jannah Jones, Daniel Groombridge, Lisa Janssen, Alison Brown, Katie Robertson, Aimee Mitchell, Fiona Stacey and Julie Smith, HNE Population Health (Health Research and Innovation – Joint Winner) Project: SWAP-IT Healthy Lunchbox Program

Julie Smith - Manager of Aboriginal Employment, HNE Workforce (Collaborative Staff Member of the Year – Winner)

Todd Tobin, Karen Harrison, Simone Dagg, Dr Lee Fong and Phillip Walker, Integrated Care and Partnerships (Secretary’s Award - Integrated Value Based Care – Finalist) Project: Collaborative Care for Vulnerable Patients.

The 23rd Annual NSW Health Awards 2021

Damien Smith, Ryan Gallagher, Christine Smith, Tara Smith, Lauren Thomas, Catherine Groves, Bruce Donald and Peter Brown, John Hunter Hospital and Belmont District Hospital Physiotherapy (People and Culture – Winner) Project: John Hunter Hospital physiotherapy promoting safety and excellence.

Fiona Dee, Lindsay Savage, Andrew Boyle, Jim Leitch, Paul Cookson, Troy Traeger, Thomas Rabbitt, Stephen Beautement, Mark Price and Stephen Collard, JHH Cardiology (Health Research and Innovation – Finalist) Project: Management of rural acute coronary syndrome.

Susan Mack, Megan Latham, Suzie Bilsborough, Janet Pope, (Keeping People Healthy – Winner) Project: Using water to prevent falls in rural communities.

NSW Premiers Awards

The NSW Premiers Awards for Public Service recognise excellence in the delivery of public services to the NSW community by the public sector, not-for-profit organisations and private businesses. The award categories have changed from year to year to respond to government priorities.

The HNE Research Office manages submission of entries from HNELHD, which are selected from the winners of the HNE High Value Health Care Awards.

Home | NSW Premier's Awards

2023 Premiers Awards

Rachel Sutherland, Luke Wolfenden, Katie Robertson, Courtney Barnes, Nicole Nathan, Jannah Jones, Alison Brown, Megan Cobcroft, Lisa Janssen, Aimee Mitchell, Nina Kingon, Justine Gowland-Ella, Gavin Jones, Nicola Kerr, Niki Kajons, Karen Gillham, John Wiggers, Jessica Zorba, Demi Herdegen, Molly Parkinson, Julie Hunter, Amy Ziniak, Elise Porter, Pip Bidgen, Jenny Norman, Megan Mattingly, Carla Piliskic, Kara McDonnell, Lisa Moorhouse, Cecilia Vuong, jennifer Mozina, Helen Dirkis, Sara Darney & Jennifer Plaskett (Highest Quality Healthcare Award - Finalist)

Project: SWAP IT – a highly scalable digital lunchbox program to improve child nutrition.

Australian Council on Healthcare Standards Quality Improvement Awards

The ACHS Quality Improvement Awards acknowledge healthcare organisations that achieve excellence and innovation in clinical care, organisation-wide practice, service delivery and performance measurement.

The HNE Research Office manages submission of entries from HNELHD, which are selected from the winners/finalists of the HNE High Value Health Care Awards.


Previous Winners / Highly Commended ACHS QI Awards

The 26th Annual ACHS QI Awards 2023

Mandy Smith, Mental Health First Responder Project Manager, HNE Mental Health Services (Non-Clinical Service Delivery Award – Highly Commended) Project: Mental Health First Responder – Virtual Care in Mental Health Emergencies across the LHD

The 25th Annual ACHS QI Awards 2022

Katie Wynne, John Attia, Jane Kerr, Sarah Pullen, Mary-Anne Dieckmann, Sarah Russo, Sharon Ryan and Steven Bollipo, Chronic Disease Network/Palliative and End of Life Care Stream (Clinical Excellence and Patient Safety Award – Winner) Project: Supportive Care: what matters most?

Rosa Baleato, Cecilia Bjorksten, Rory Curtis and Leana Wong, Mater Mental Health Pharmacy (Healthcare Measurement Award – Winner) Project: Virtual Clinical Pharmacy Service Project.

Todd Tobin, Karen Harrison, Simone Dagg, Dr Lee Fong and Phillip Walker, Integrated Care and Partnerships (Non-clinical Service Delivery Award – Highly Commended) Project: Collaborative Care for Vulnerable Patients.

The 24th Annual ACHS QI Awards 2021

Kristy Crooks, Kylie Taylor, Belinda Tully, Tammy Buckland, Charlee Law and Katie Brett, HNE Population Health (Non-clinical Service Delivery Award - Highly Commended) Project: Cultural Governance of the COVID-19 public health emergency response

The 22nd Annual ACHS QI Awards 2019

Daniel McCarthy, Mary Bond, HNE Clinical Governance (Healthcare Measurement - Highly Commended) Project: Empowering patient, family, and carers for improved recognition and response to clinical deterioration

The 21st Annual ACHS QI Awards 2018

Jay Jones, Elizabeth Newton, Leanne Grow, Anthony Townsend, David Horseman, Leanne Johnson, NSW Health, HNE Mental Health Services, NSW Ambulance Service and NSW Police (Clinical Excellence and Patient Safety Award - Winner) Project: Police Ambulance Early Access to Mental Health Assessment VIA Telehealth (PAEAMHATH)

Sze Lin Yoong, Alice Grady, Luke Wolfenden, John Wiggers, Meghan Finch, Karen Gillham, HNE Population Health (Non-clinical Service Delivery Award - Winner) Project: Healthy food in childcare: an online solution

Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) Awards

HMRI Research Excellence Awards

There are 3 Research Excellence Awards – for early career, mid-career and overall research excellence (the latter awarded to the top ranked applicant, regardless of research career level).  Researchers self-nominate (but also need referee reports).  Successful recipients will receive $20,000 for their award.

The Excellence Awards recognise outstanding research and exceptional mentorship and leadership skills, particularly within a team environment, of individual researchers affiliated with HMRI.

HMRI Foundation: Research Team Award

This award has been established by the HMRI Newcastle and Sydney Foundations, who have generously donated funds and organised community fundraising events to support this team award.  The successful research team will receive $30,000.

This Award acknowledges that it takes a team to successfully deliver a research project. The purpose of the award is to recognise an outstanding team of researchers who has collectively demonstrated excellence in their research project, that is of major importance in its field, and improves the health and well-being of our communities.

HMRI Grant Opportunities | HMRI Connect

National Rural & Remote Health Awards

The National Rural & Remote Health Awards will pay tribute to the exceptional rural and remote health professionals who have significantly contributed to improving healthcare in these regions throughout Australia.

The primary objective for the Awards is to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of the healthcare providers, individuals, and groups who tirelessly strive to keep rural and remote communities healthy. Aiming to inspire the next generation of healthcare professionals to follow suit and continue the vital work of improving health outcomes in these communities.

National Rural and Remote Health Awards (ruralhealthpro.org)